Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Game Theory, and a change of pace.

Over the summer, instead of going back through my Calculus book like I planned, I've been going through other math related books (One on cryptography and one on Game Theory.) For the Crypto book I did no journaling (as it was more biographical than instructive) and for the Game Theory book I've been journaling in a pen-and-paper notebook like a caveman (parenthetical statements are AWESOME.)
Since journaling has proven itself to be so useful to me, I think I may migrate all of my math-related journaling to this blog and may end up changing the name of it. The only reason I hesitate to do this is because, even with all of the ALT codes memorized, writing mathematics on a computer is a pain. But, I have recently found the wonder that is LATEX! (the math writing language. Not the other wonders of latex. Though those are nice too.)
So now I can do this!

$2^{a_k} + t_{n_1}$

So I am migrating all of my math-related journaling onto here. I'm a little over halfway done with this game theory book, and I may or may not move the previous journal entries here. It'll depend on how bored I get later.